SPQR Poster Session

During summer 2020 the SPQR lab has supported the participation of undergraduate students in various research activities. As part of the Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program by NSF CNS-1330142 and CNS-2031077, the students were involved in meaningful ways in ongoing research projects of our lab, from the security of satellites to ultrasonic microphone array systems. Here you can find their posters:

Justin Baker - "Replay Attacks in Space"

Sarthak Bansal - "Ultrasonic Microphone Array"

Tanvi Deshmukh - "How Does LightCommands Work?" - BEST POSTER AND BEST TALK AWARD

Andrew Hartnett - "Measuring Heat and Charge Effects in FPGAs Using Ring Oscillators"

Mia Li - "N95 Face Mask Decon Monitor App"

Yatian Liu - "PDM Microphone Signal Conversion Using CIC and FIR Filters"

Weikun Lyu - "N95 Face Mask Decontamination Wireless Tags"

Jiaxiang Ma - "Tracking System For Lidar Spoofing Attack"

Patrick Morgan - "System Jamming Attack on Sattelite Communications"

Luke Van Namen - "Security of RF Communication Between Ground Stations and CubeSats"