EECS 498/598-009
Special Topics: Embedded Security
Fall 2022

Lab 1: Intro to Embedded Security

Lab 1 builds the foundation of frequency-domain embedded security analysis and provides the tool set students need for following labs. It helps students understand the cause and consequence of embedded security problems from a sensor construction perspective, and provides an example of sensor injection attack using intentional electromagnetic interference. It also discusses the defense methodology of administrative physical controls.

Learning Objectives:

Lab 1 Paper Reference

Lab 2 | Sound: Acoustic Injection Against Motion Sensors

Lab 2 studies the mechanical nature of sound and the embedded security problems caused by sound wave propagation when sound waves induce mechanical resonance in non-acoustic sensor. It investigates the defense methodology of digital and analog filtering.

Learning Objectives:

Lab 2 Paper Reference

Lab 3 | Non-linearity: Ultrasonic Injection Against Microphones

Lab 3 studies the non-linearity nature of sensor conditioning circuits and the attack vectors it exposes for malicious ultrasonic injections to manipulate microphone-based voice assistants. It investiages the defense methodology of anomoly signal detection.

Learning Objectives:

Lab 3 Paper Reference

Lab 4 | Light: Optical Injection Against Microphones

Lab 4 studies the heat-sensitivity and photo-acoustic characteristics of MEMS microphones and the risks that controlled lasers pose against microphone-based voice assistants. It investiages the defense methodology of sensor fusion.

Learning Objectives:

Lab 4 Paper Reference

Lab 5: Final Project

The final project takes the form of a tournament that centers on the Light Commands laser attacks against MEMES microphone devices. Students work in teams of 3 or 4. Each team builds a embedded system with voice recognition functionality using the microphone hardware provided. The team then design both the attack and defense techniques into their systems. In the tournament, teams pair up and attack each other's systems in turn.